Senin, 29 Desember 2008

Cara Nge-hack Private Album Di Friendster

Cari no. uid target, adanya di belakang alamat fs nya, contoh :

berarti no uid nya 45909913

1. ketik di address bar (pake fire fox aja browsernya)"Your target uid here"

contoh :

2. klik View - page source
find "abAlbumPrivacy" -
ketemu : abAlbumPrivacy-659823970

3. ketik di address bar lagi :"your target uid here"&a="album privacy id here"&page=0

contoh :

muncul kode2 kaya gini :{"photos":

[{"isPrimary":"0","privacy":"0","album_id":"659823970","pid":"1","rid":"748946292","isPrivate":0,"raw_url":"http:\/\/\/e1\/photos\/31\/99\/45909913\/1_748946292","is_new":0,"t":0,"uid":"45909913","firstname":"Naida Solomon","moderation":"0","caption":"1_866084917l.jpg","new":"1","cancomment":"true","canrate":"true","cangrab":1,"url":"http:\/

cari yg ada tulisan rid - artinya no. foto :


klik kanan sembarang foto di fs, lihat default alamatnya :

ganti nama foto menjadi

nah.. ketemu khan, selamat mencoba, kalau ketemu foto yg keren2 bagi2 ya...

sumber :

kalau mau browse foto tanpa kenalan gini caranya ke alamat ini aja :
teknik pake upload php ke hostingan free

Pelajari juga jebakan ini

fake login :

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info mengenai berbagai free hostingan

Situs Pertemanan

Situs pertemanan

Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Senin, 03 November 2008


Dalam Microsoft Excel terdapat banyak Function-function, ada tentang Finance IRR (internal rate of return), Fungsi Matematika spt : LOG, LN, COS dll, masalahnya kalau kita tidak puas dengan Built in Function yang standard, berarti kita harus buat function sendiri, misalnya kalau anda mau bikin function Terbilang, yang fungsinya mengeja angka satu per satu contoh :
anda masukkan 12350 hasilnya menjadi dua belas ribu tiga ratus lima puluh
(capek lho ngetik satu-satu, apalagi yang kerjaannya bikin kwitansi / spk / RAB.. )

cara bikin function : pake Visual Basic
Tools - Macro - Visual Basic Editor

trus bikin program nya, list nya kurang lebih begini :

Public Duta(1 To 9), sat(0 To 3) As String
Dim say, Pc, Psat, B, Cs As String
Dim P, S, c, Belasan, D, U, T, A, W, Code As Integer

Function BacaRupiah(WIJAYANTO As String) As String
Call Siapin
say = ""
Pc = ""
S = P Mod 3

If (P <= 3 And P >= 0) Then A = 1
If (P <= 6 And P > 3) Then A = 2
If (P <= 9 And P > 6) Then A = 3
If (P <= 12 And P > 9) Then A = 4
If P > 12 Then A = 0

If S = 1 Then
If S = 2 Then
End If
End If

For W = 1 To A

T = A - W
B = Right(Left(WIJAYANTO, W * 3), 3)
Belasan = 0
D = 0
For U = 1 To 3

Cs = Mid(B, U, 1)
c = Val(Cs)
If c = 0 Then D = D + 1
Select Case U
Case 1
Pc = ratus(CInt(c))
Case 2
Pc = puluh(CInt(c))
Case 3
Pc = satuan(CInt(c))
End Select
say = say + Pc
Psat = Psat + Pc
Pc = ""
Next U

If Psat = "" Then
say = say
say = say + sat(T)
End If
Psat = ""
Next W
BacaRupiah = say
End Function

Private Sub Siapin()
Duta(1) = "satu "
Duta(2) = "dua "
Duta(3) = "tiga "
Duta(4) = "empat "
Duta(5) = "lima "
Duta(6) = "enam "
Duta(7) = "tujuh "
Duta(8) = "delapan "
Duta(9) = "sembilan "
sat(0) = ""
sat(1) = "ribu "
sat(2) = "juta "
sat(3) = "milyard "
End Sub

Private Function ratus(c As Integer) As String

If Not (c = 0) Then
If (c = 1) Then
Pc = "se"
Pc = Duta(c)
End If
Pc = Pc + "ratus "
End If
ratus = Pc
End Function

Private Function puluh(c As Integer) As String

If Not (c = 0) Then

If (c = 1) Then
Belasan = 1
Pc = Duta(c) + "puluh "
End If

End If
puluh = Pc
End Function

Private Function satuan(c As Integer) As String

If Not ((Belasan = 0) And (c = 0)) Then

If (Belasan = 1) Then
Select Case c
Case 1
Pc = "sebelas "
Case 0
Pc = "sepuluh "
Case Else
Pc = Duta(c) + "belas "
End Select
If ((D = 2 And T = 1) And c = 1) Then
Pc = "se"
Pc = Duta(c)
End If
End If
End If
satuan = Pc
End Function

atau kalau ngga mau puyeng, download aja yg udah jadi nya :

Download Terbilang.xls disini !!

bikin function pakai ms excel buat menghitung integral numerik dengan metode trapezoidal dan 3/8 simpson, numerical integration with excel user defined function, UDF excel to calculating integral, download here free source code, gratis :

SOLUSI TERHADAP "page to repeat at bottom" yang tidak disediakan MS EXCEL,

kalau mau bikin garis border bawah di tiap halaman ms excel caranya :
pakai makro di bawah ini :

Sub Macro1()
Dim StrFtr As String
StrFtr = Range("O1") & vbLf & Range("O2") & vbLf & Range("O3")
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = StrFtr
End Sub

terus isi di sel O1 atau O2 atau O3 (bisa salah satu atau ketiganya), isi dengan garis
under score yg banyak : ________________________________________________________________________________________

terus makro nya di - run, setting di print preview, selamat mencoba

Minggu, 02 November 2008

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

Cara Mengetik 10 Jari

Belajar Mengetik 10 Jari di
posisi posisi jari yang benar dalam mengetik digambarkan seperti di atas, jangan menekan tuts keyboard dengan jari yang tidak semestinya, awalnya memang lebih lambat dari pada mengetik dengan 2 jari, tetapi hasil akhirnya jauh lebih cepat.

Principles for Effective Learning
No mistakes. Always be sure and in control. Follow the principle of 100% correct practice: to make a mistake is to learn incorrect things, and to confuse that which you already know.
Slower is faster. Speed comes from certainty. The more you type things correctly, no matter how slow it has to be, the more certain you will be, and the faster you will become a proficient typist. Increase speed only when you feel sure enough to do so.
Don't look at the keyboard! If you don't know where a key is, look at the keyboard to find it, then look away and type the key. Do not guess; always be sure.
Relax. No unnecessary or dysfunctional tension!
Hit the keys squarely in the center. If you find you aren't consistently doing so, SLOW DOWN!!! It should feel good to type!
ini posisi jari yg benar buat pengetikan nomor-nomor, sisanya seperti =+_- ditekan pakai kelingking, ingat prinsip Slower is faster., jadi jangan terlalu buru2 sehingga harus menekan back space, karena backspace letaknya paling jauh dan harus ditekan pakai kelingking (memperlambat waktu)

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

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Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Kresna merupakan saudara sepupu dari kedua belah pihak dalam perang antara Pandawa dan Korawa. Ia menawarkan mereka untuk memilih pasukannya atau dirinya. Para Korawa mengambil pasukannya sedangkan dirinya bersama para Pandawa. Ia pun sudi untuk menjadi kusir kereta Arjuna dalam pertempuran akbar.

Mahabarata dan Bhagawadgita versi aslinya (versi India).
Nama panggilan Kresna adalah:

Achyuta (Acyuta, yang tak pernah gagal)
Arisudana (penghancur musuh)
Bhagavān (Bhagawan, kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa)
Gopāla (Gopaala, Pengembala sapi)
Govinda (Gowinda, yang memberi kebahagiaan pada indria-indria)
Hrishikesa (Hri-sikesa, penguasa indria)
Janardana (juru selamat umat manusia)
Kesava (Kesawa, yang berambut indah)
Kesinishūdana (Kesini-sudana, pembunuh raksasa Kesin)
Mādhava (Madawa, suami Dewi Laksmi)
Madhusūdana (Madu-sudana, penakluk raksasa Madhu)
Mahābāhu (Maha-bahu, yang berlengan perkasa)
Mahāyogi (Maha-yogi, rohaniawan besar)
Purushottama (Purusa-utama, manusia utama, yang berkepribadian paling baik)
Varshneya (Warsneya, keturunan wangsa Wresni)
Vāsudeva (Waasudewa, putera Basudewa)
Vishnu (Wisnu, penitisan Batara Wisnu)
Yādava (Yaadawa, keturunan dinasti Yadu)
Yogesvara (Yoga-iswara, penguasa segala kekuatan batin)

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

cerita kocak

Being a successful engineer is like a young man proposing to his girl. To win the girl the boy presents her with a diamond ring not an un-cut diamond. To be successful an engineer needs business skills. This is the setting for technical skills.
Dr Tony CurtisPlymouth Business School contributes to the successful delivery of ‘Euroman3’

A man was given the job of painting the white lines down the middle of a highway. On his first day he painted six miles; the next day three miles; the following day less than a mile. When the foreman asked the man why he kept painting less each day, he replied "I just can't do any better. Each day I keep getting farther away from the paint can."

A preacher dies, and when he gets to Heaven, he sees a New York cab driver who has more crowns. He says to an angel, "I don't get it. I devoted my whole life to my congregation."The angel says, "We reward results. Did your congregation always pay attention when you gave a sermon?"
The preacher says, "Once in a while someone fell asleep."
The angel says, "Right. And when people rode in this guy's taxi, they not only stayed awake, but they usually prayed!"

Old accountants never die, they just lose their balance.
Old actuaries never die, they just get broken down by age and sex.
Old chemists never die, they just fail to react.
Old chemists never die, they just reach equilibrium.
Old cosmologists never die, they just go to another world.
Old doctors never die, they just loose their patience.
Old dynamicists never die, they just lose their attraction.
Old electricians never die, they just lose contact.
Old geologists never die, they just recrystalize.
Old laser physicists never die, they just become incoherent.
Old lawyers never die, they just threaten their doctor with malpractice.
Old lawyers never die, they just lose their appeal.
Old mathematicians never die, they tend to zero.
Old mathematicians never die, they just lose some of their functions.
Old professors never die, they just lose their faculties.
Old programmers never die, they just gosub without return.
Old programmers never die, they just branch to a new address.
Old publishers never die, they just go out of print.
Old statisticians never die, they just become nonsignificant.
Old thermodynamicists never die, they just achieve their state of maximum entropy.
Old soldiers never die. Young ones do.

Senin, 04 Februari 2008

Saya Lahir Di Jakarta, 07 Desember 1976, Shio Naga, Bintang Sagitarius, Orangtua Saya memberi nama saya Duta Wijayanto,

Inilah Silsilah Keluarga Saya (Dari Nyokap)
