anda masukkan 12350 hasilnya menjadi dua belas ribu tiga ratus lima puluh
(capek lho ngetik satu-satu, apalagi yang kerjaannya bikin kwitansi / spk / RAB.. )
cara bikin function : pake Visual Basic
Tools - Macro - Visual Basic Editor
trus bikin program nya, list nya kurang lebih begini :
Public Duta(1 To 9), sat(0 To 3) As String
Dim say, Pc, Psat, B, Cs As String
Dim P, S, c, Belasan, D, U, T, A, W, Code As Integer
Function BacaRupiah(WIJAYANTO As String) As String
Call Siapin
say = ""
Pc = ""
S = P Mod 3
If (P <= 3 And P >= 0) Then A = 1
If (P <= 6 And P > 3) Then A = 2
If (P <= 9 And P > 6) Then A = 3
If (P <= 12 And P > 9) Then A = 4
If P > 12 Then A = 0
If S = 1 Then
If S = 2 Then
End If
End If
For W = 1 To A
T = A - W
B = Right(Left(WIJAYANTO, W * 3), 3)
Belasan = 0
D = 0
For U = 1 To 3
Cs = Mid(B, U, 1)
c = Val(Cs)
If c = 0 Then D = D + 1
Select Case U
Case 1
Pc = ratus(CInt(c))
Case 2
Pc = puluh(CInt(c))
Case 3
Pc = satuan(CInt(c))
End Select
say = say + Pc
Psat = Psat + Pc
Pc = ""
Next U
If Psat = "" Then
say = say
say = say + sat(T)
End If
Psat = ""
Next W
BacaRupiah = say
End Function
Private Sub Siapin()
Duta(1) = "satu "
Duta(2) = "dua "
Duta(3) = "tiga "
Duta(4) = "empat "
Duta(5) = "lima "
Duta(6) = "enam "
Duta(7) = "tujuh "
Duta(8) = "delapan "
Duta(9) = "sembilan "
sat(0) = ""
sat(1) = "ribu "
sat(2) = "juta "
sat(3) = "milyard "
End Sub
Private Function ratus(c As Integer) As String
If Not (c = 0) Then
If (c = 1) Then
Pc = "se"
Pc = Duta(c)
End If
Pc = Pc + "ratus "
End If
ratus = Pc
End Function
Private Function puluh(c As Integer) As String
If Not (c = 0) Then
If (c = 1) Then
Belasan = 1
Pc = Duta(c) + "puluh "
End If
End If
puluh = Pc
End Function
Private Function satuan(c As Integer) As String
If Not ((Belasan = 0) And (c = 0)) Then
If (Belasan = 1) Then
Select Case c
Case 1
Pc = "sebelas "
Case 0
Pc = "sepuluh "
Case Else
Pc = Duta(c) + "belas "
End Select
If ((D = 2 And T = 1) And c = 1) Then
Pc = "se"
Pc = Duta(c)
End If
End If
End If
satuan = Pc
End Function
atau kalau ngga mau puyeng, download aja yg udah jadi nya :
Download Terbilang.xls disini !!
bikin function pakai ms excel buat menghitung integral numerik dengan metode trapezoidal dan 3/8 simpson, numerical integration with excel user defined function, UDF excel to calculating integral, download here free source code, gratis :
SOLUSI TERHADAP "page to repeat at bottom" yang tidak disediakan MS EXCEL,
kalau mau bikin garis border bawah di tiap halaman ms excel caranya :
pakai makro di bawah ini :
Sub Macro1()
Dim StrFtr As String
StrFtr = Range("O1") & vbLf & Range("O2") & vbLf & Range("O3")
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = StrFtr
End Sub
terus isi di sel O1 atau O2 atau O3 (bisa salah satu atau ketiganya), isi dengan garis
under score yg banyak : ________________________________________________________________________________________
terus makro nya di - run, setting di print preview, selamat mencoba
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